We are committed to helping businesses continue their training and education with the most current HR best practices. JB Consulting Systems has 14 webinar offerings taught by our President and author, Juli Bacon. The lessons from the webinar are derived from her...
Take a good look at your workforce. What do you see? Is it a homogeneous population? Or is it rich and diverse with vibrant backgrounds, ages, genders and races? In recent months, our country has witnessed events that have provided us with the opportunity to reflect...
New rules under the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) have taken effect July 1 regarding updates to overtime pay and worker eligibility. WA L&I announced the changed late last year after numerous public hearings and proceedings, and...
COMPLIANCE ALERT Statewide Mask Mandate On June 26, 2020, a statewide order will go into effect requiring individuals to wear a face covering while in indoor public spaces as well as outdoors when you cannot stay 6 feet apart. Certain exemptions may apply for...
In a landmark ruling effective June 15, 2020, the LGBTQ community is now offered protection under the federal employment laws based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Although many states, including Washington state, had previously provided those protections...