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Protests, Pandemic and Other Stressors in 2020
There is no doubt that 2020 has brought more than the fair share of unexpected chaos into our lives than any other year in recent history. Now going into the fourth month of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the recent death of Minneapolis man, George Floyd at the hands...
OSHA Provides Updated COVID-19 Enforcement Response Plans
New guidance has emerged effective May 26th related to how OSHA plans to investigate COVID-19 related hazards in the workplace. The new guidance will supersede OSHA's previous Interim Response Plan from earlier this spring. As the top priority for OSHA still remains...
Employment Lawsuits and Legal Actions on the Rise: How to Do the Right Thing
Just when we thought things were tough enough in this COVID-19 work environment, where the closing of businesses and the loss of productivity and business due to operational shut-down have wreaked havoc on the world economy, now there are legal issues that have...
Is Your Business Ready to Return to the New Normal?
There is no more business as usual. Things are different. Our world is vastly different than it was two months ago as we’ve navigated the choppy waters of social distancing, essential work forces, and shelter-in-place telework policies. The question is, what does it...
How to Comply with WA State’s Safe Start plan for Re-Opening Business
In the beginning, when we first learned of the easily spread COVID-19 virus, businesses were afraid of shutting things down or allowing their workforce to telework from home. Now, as Washington State Governor Inslee has issued the four-phase approach to reopening...
Clarification and Modifications to Washington State Paid Family Medical Leave
Effective April 10, 2020, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee has signed into law changes and modifications that impact the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Law (PFML) that all employers must comply with and follow. Washington’s law is already fairly generous as...
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Turning Recruiting Woes into Hiring Wins
Have you seen the video of the Walmart employee airing her grievances and quitting her job over the store intercom for all the world to hear? If you think this is an isolated incidence and a generational mindset, think again. Resignations are on the rise, with the...
How To Help Prevent Suicide
National Suicide Prevention Week is an annual week-long campaign serving as a reminder of the need to inform and engage the public about suicide prevention by drawing attention to the problem. With the turmoil brought to our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic there is...
A Mid-Year Review of Your Strategic Plan
Strategic planning is a road map for the future that businesses and their leadership rely on to develop short-term, long-term, and contingency plans. This time of year offers leaders a chance to review their planning process and make necessary adjustments in order to...
Navigating Return To Work Uncertainty During a Pandemic
Since March 2020 the Covid-19 virus has taught employers a key lesson about running a business during a global pandemic. During uncertain times, flexibility is the only consistency in a stream of ever-changing variables impacting businesses. Earlier this summer with...
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