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Turning Recruiting Woes into Hiring Wins

Turning Recruiting Woes into Hiring Wins

Have you seen the video of the Walmart employee airing her grievances and quitting her job over the store intercom for all the world to hear? If you think this is an isolated incidence and a generational mindset, think again. Resignations are on the rise, with the...

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How To Help Prevent Suicide

How To Help Prevent Suicide

National Suicide Prevention Week is an annual week-long campaign serving as a reminder of the need to inform and engage the public about suicide prevention by drawing attention to the problem. With the turmoil brought to our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic there is...

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A Mid-Year Review of Your Strategic Plan

A Mid-Year Review of Your Strategic Plan

Strategic planning is a road map for the future that businesses and their leadership rely on to develop short-term, long-term, and contingency plans. This time of year offers leaders a chance to review their planning process and make necessary adjustments in order to...

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Celebrating 20 Years of Business

Celebrating 20 Years of Business

Twenty years ago on July 15th, 2001, Juli Bacon started her Human Resource consulting company, JB Consulting Systems. At the time, she was raising a four-year-old son and expecting her second child and realized that there had to be a shift in her own work/life...

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7 Human Resource Trends in 2023

7 Human Resource Trends in 2023

As we look at the way the human resource trends are shaping up in 2023, let’s review some of the hot topics that will affect the workforce from a pay perspective. Understanding how these trends may affect your business and your hiring strategies, and ultimately...

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Preparing Your Business For Year-End

Preparing Your Business For Year-End

As our summer days start to shorten and the cooler evening temperatures tell us it is time for our kids to go back to school and our fall is coming, many businesses are preparing for the new year ahead of us. A new year also means the year-end will be here before you...

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7 Tips for Small Business Marketing

7 Tips for Small Business Marketing

Small business owners are often pulled in multiple directions while attempting to juggle priorities. Focusing their attention on trying to align business strategy, operational processes, and finances, all the while continuing to generate sales leads and customers...

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(800) 317-1378
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P.O. Box 1284
Woodinville, WA 98072

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