As most businesses have learned this year, a pandemic can really skew projections when it comes to profitability and growth. As such, it’s also changed many hiring and recruitment plans for businesses that had been on target for greater growth pre-pandemic and have...
New IRS Guidance related to employee payroll tax collection has been issued to allow for deferral of payroll taxes through the end of 2020 in an effort to provide income relief to those employees who have been impacted by COVID-19. Notice 2020-65 was issued on...
If you’re an employer of 50 or more, you have likely had the experience of handling an employee’s leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and know just how many forms are required to process and authorize an employee’s FML leave. Just recently,...
Have you ever been asked by an employee how you decided what they would make? Or perhaps tried to identify whether a role should be classified as Exempt or Non-Exempt? Or created a new position and had to determine how much to pay the new employee? One of the most...
ALERT: Fraud against small businesses on the rise! During the general kerfuffle that has arisen around COVID-19, many small businesses have been hit hard by fraudsters. One of the latest areas that we have seen a dramatic uptick in fraud has to do with Direct Deposit....