At JB Consulting Systems, we believe that equitable treatment of employees is crucial for fostering a productive and positive work environment. Treating employees fairly not only boosts morale but also drives company success. Here’s how you can implement equitable policies for promotions, discipline, and raises in your organization. 

In July 2024, human resources association, SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) announced changing their approach on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices by completely eliminating “Equity” from their framework. Their decision to solely focus on diversity and inclusion garnered mixed responses from the public with some in opposition and others supporting this decision. Some support SHRM’s reasoning to eliminate equity due to perceived shortcomings and backlash towards comprehensive DEI programs.  SHRM’s goal is to focus on placing Inclusion at the forefront of their initiates.  While inclusivity is valuable, for others, eliminating Equity creates the sentiment that there is no intention to organize the HR community for structural changes to the workforce. 

Regarding fair treatment in the workplace, leaders are tasked with upholding the implementation of policies and procedures to ensure a work environment where all employees are given necessary tools to succeed and feel supported.  

Understanding Equity in the Workplace 

Discourse on SHRM’s shift in their approach towards DEI focused on confusions regarding what Equity entails. To guide the conversation regarding how employers can ensure equitable treatment of employees is to first emphasize the difference between equity and equality. Acknowledging that every employee has unique circumstances, equity entails distribution of resources and opportunities required to achieve equality. For example: Three people of varying heights are watching a baseball game behind a fence. Each of their views are obstructed. Equality entails giving each of them a stepping stool of the same height to stand on to watch the game. The tallest person can now view the game without obstruction, however the other two are still struggling to get a clear view. Equity entails giving each of them stepping stools or ladders of varying heights to be able to watch the game clearly. They are now watching on the same/equal level.   

Simply put, when strategizing on how to approach supporting their workforce, employers should ask themselves, “is this policy/procedure fair?” Here are some ways to ensure workplace practices and management upholds fairness or Equity:  

Tangible Ways to Implement Equitable Policies 

Clear Promotion Policies: Clearly define the requirements for promotions. This covers the abilities, background, and performance indicators needed to progress.

Conduct routine performance reviews to ensure all staff members are on track and aware of the requirements for advancement.

Development Programs: To assist all staff members in acquiring the abilities required for promotion, provide training and development opportunities.  

Fair Disciplinary Actions 

Establishing uniform policies: Implement policies for disciplinary actions applicable to all staff members. Make sure that these guidelines are clearly stated and documented.

Utilize Objective Standards to Evaluate Performance: Utilize impartiality when assessing both performance and conduct. Refrain from allowing bias or prejudice to influence disciplinary decisions. 

A supportive work environment should give staff members the tools and encouragement they need to redirect their actions, such as extra training or coaching. 

Equitable Raises and Compensation 

Policies for Raises: Give raises according to clear, quantifiable performance indicators. This guarantees that staff are compensated according to the contributions they make.

Conduct Frequent Pay Audits: These regular reviews can find and fix any pay inequities based on race, gender, or other criteria. 

Essentially, it is vital to establish clear pay scales that define salary ranges for every position in your company. Transparency is key.  

More Advice on Upholding Equity in the Workplace 

  • Reduce unconscious bias in hiring and promotion decision-making utilizing diverse hiring panels. 
  • Develop and implement inclusive policies, such as creating resources groups for employees, utilizing inclusive language, and establishing a work-life policy, among many other strategies.  
  • Provide anonymous feedback channels that ensure workers can express concerns about inclusion and equity without fearing experiencing any repercussions. Again, a “No Retaliation” work environment should be practiced and emphasized to ensure adequate support of employees.  

Equitable Work Environment = Fair Treatment and Equal Access for Employees 

An equitable or fair work environment can lead to increased employee engagement and motivation, lower attrition rates which can prevent high turnover costs, and enhance your company’s reputation to attract high quality candidates. 

At JB Consulting Systems, we are committed to helping you create a workplace where every employee can thrive. By implementing these equitable practices, you can build a stronger, more inclusive organization. If you need assistance in developing and executing these policies, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more. 



Source: Rae, A. (July 2024). SHRM’s Problematic DEI Pivot: A Step Backwards for Workers’ Rights. Forbes. Doi: