The Recruiting Disconnect

Recruiting is a challenging task that requires a lot of time and effort. Despite the best hiring efforts, it’s not uncommon for there to be a struggle to find the right candidates for open positions. At the same time, candidates often feel frustrated with the hiring process and the lack of communication from recruiters. So, what is causing this disconnect between recruiters and candidates? Here are our top 4 reasons why recruiters struggle to find the right candidate.


1. Job Descriptions are Vague or Unrealistic

One of the primary reasons that recruiters and candidates are not matching up is that job descriptions are often too vague or unrealistic. Recruiters may not take the time to fully understand the requirements of the position or the overall goals of the department or company, leading to a job description that does not accurately reflect the necessary skills or qualifications. Alternatively, some job descriptions may be so unrealistic that they discourage qualified candidates from applying.

To address this issue, recruiters should work closely with hiring managers to create job descriptions that accurately reflect the needs of the position. They should also be transparent about the requirements and qualifications needed for the job, rather than trying to attract as many candidates as possible. The job description is an outline of the job duties and should be looked at every time you hire for the role.


2. Poor Communication

Another reason that recruiters and candidates struggle to match up is poor communication. Candidates often feel like they are being left in the dark throughout the hiring process, while recruiters may feel like they are inundated with too many applications, or they have lost touch with what it’s like to be the one being interviewed and forgotten to communicate the steps.

To overcome this issue, recruiters should communicate with candidates throughout the hiring process. The WHOLE process.  Ghosting is bad for your business, even with candidates that were not a match.  This includes acknowledging receipt of applications, providing updates on the status of the position, and providing feedback to candidates who are not selected for the role. By keeping candidates informed and engaged, recruiters can build stronger relationships with potential hires. They also keep the reputation of the company intact, and the candidate is more likely to apply again.


3. Cultural Incompatibility

Cultural fit is an important factor in the hiring process, but it can be difficult to assess. Recruiters may not fully understand the company culture or the nuances of the role, leading to a cultural mismatch between the candidate and the organization.

To address this issue, recruiters should work closely with hiring managers to understand the company culture and the specific needs of the role. There should be information gathered to gain an accurate depiction of what it is like to work for the company prior to talking with candidates.  You have to remember the candidate is interviewing the company as much as the company is interviewing the applicant.


4. Limited Talent Pool

Finally, recruiters may struggle to find the right candidates because of a limited talent pool. This can be especially true for niche positions or positions that require specialized skills. In these cases, recruiters may need to expand their search beyond traditional job boards and recruiting methods to find qualified candidates.

To overcome this issue, recruiters should consider networking with industry professionals, attending job fairs or industry events, and leveraging social media to find potential candidates. They should also consider partnering with recruiting firms that specialize in the specific skills or industries they are targeting. Another avenue to consider is training someone ‘in-house’ for a skillset if they are a good performer. This is an investment for the company, but you do know what you are getting with someone within the organization.


Recruiting is a difficult task, but understanding and addressing these common recruiting challenges can significantly improve the recruiting process. By creating accurate job descriptions, enhancing communication, assessing cultural fit, and expanding the talent pool, recruiters can bridge the gap and find the right candidates more effectively. Improving these areas not only helps in filling positions but also builds stronger relationships and maintains the company’s reputation in the job market.

Do you need help with hiring assistance?  Are you looking for ways to better understand why you haven’t found the right candidates?  JB Consulting may be able to help.  We work with our clients on a variety of topics including reviews, training, and hiring assistance. If you would like to speak to one of our HR experts for assistance, please email us using the form below or give us a call at (800) 317-1378 x14.