Effective January 1, 2018, in accordance with WAC 296-128-620, all Washington state businesses will be required to provide paid sick and safe leave time to all eligible employees. Labor and Industries very recently released the guidelines for how this leave should be tracked and communicated to your employees.
Non-exempt/hourly employees will be eligible to accrue 1 hour of sick time for every 40 hours of worked time at their normal hourly compensation with no annual cap. If you are an employer doing business in the City of Seattle, please note there are changes to the City’s requirements related to the City ordinance established in September 2012. There are now established Tiers for accrual rates based on employer size, which are different than the State’s accrual rates. Click HERE for more information.
As this new state law has many implications to your company’s existing time off policies, collective bargaining agreements, payroll system, time off request process and notification process to employees, we’d like to let you know your HR consultants at JB Consulting Systems are here to help.
Failure to review and make changes to your current processes could lead to significant fines from the State of Washington. Don’t wait or set this aside. For more information on the Paid Sick and Safe Leave law, please click HERE for the Washington Sate LNI website.
If you currently have a PTO, Vacation or Sick leave policy, you should have it reviewed by an HR professional to ensure compliance. Under the law, employers must notify existing employees of the new policy by March 1, 2018 and it’s recommended that they sign an
The Human Resources professionals from JB Consulting Systems are available to help your team build more positive working relationships, find meaning in their roles, and implement best practices to cultivate a more engaging workplace. Feel free to contact us for your HR needs.

Effective Jan.1, 2018