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Compliance ALERT Re: COVID-19

  COMPLIANCE ALERT COVID-19   The Federal House of Representatives has passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, an economic stimulus plan to minimize the impact of COVID-19. It includes employer sponsored paid sick leave for employees affected by...

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Interviewing Mistakes Hiring Managers Make

Interviewing Mistakes Hiring Managers Make

Interviewing for any new job can be nerve-wracking and difficult for even the most qualified of candidates, but showing up to an interview uninformed about what to expect is a problem a hiring manager can easily avoid. Hiring managers should be transparent with the candidate at all stages of the interview process, from the initial screening, to the first in-person interview, and to the end decision making communication. If planning to utilize a group panel or rotating team interviews, the hiring manager or recruiter should mention that upfront so the candidate isn’t caught off guard and put into an uncomfortable situation.

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The 5 C’s For Successful Social Media

The 5 C’s For Successful Social Media

The invention of Facebook back in 2004 created a whole new method of communication via the internet. With the rise of social media platforms, we have collectively witnessed many apps rise and fall but they have all left an imprint. Currently, there are 3.78 billion...

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