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Building a social media strategy is ever-evolving, and it takes fine-tuning. People are inundated with constant messaging and it has become more complex to capture their attention. Define your goals by doing so, you are defining your content marketing plan. This will also help you plan how much effort and the time both your content and your social media will require. It is also recommended to look at your current social audience as well as your intended target audience. Do they align? if so what can you do to increase engagement? if not, how are they different? This will all help you craft your messaging and guide you in the types of social media posts that will not only make the most sense for your business but will also help you grow your business. 

Two hemispheres of a brain

Have you ever wondered what content marketing actually is?

It is defined as a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.

Building a content marketing strategy that works in concert with your social media calendar is critical. If you would like to learn more about how a comprehensive content marketing and social media plan could look like for your business, contact us. We can help.

Social meida signs

Currently, there are 3.78 billion social media users worldwide and in just the last year it has grown by 5%. Even if we look at the growth of users since 2017, there are 920 million more people on social media today. The amount of time that people spend engaged on a social platform equates to 144 minutes every single day.

The question you should be asking yourself is what can you do to capture the attention of these people? How can you have them spend some of that 144 minutes with your brand looking at and engaging with your social media?

Fingers Typing on Keyboard

Social Media is best executed with frequency and purpose. A business daily posting schedule is the key to being successful. 

We recommend maintaining a monthly calendar with all your posts written, images called out for that post, and all associated hashtags to be used for that post. 

This can feel overwhelming at times, but please realize that if you need help in curating, writing and deploying daily social media posts. Let's have a chat to hear about your pain points and to see how we can relieve you of the daily struggle while growing your engagement and leads.

JB Consulting Systems is a boutique full-service human resource, business, and marketing firm we put your business relationships at the heart of all that we do. We believe that the richness of human connections weave a tapestry of partnerships that are stronger together. We Bring Your Workforce Together because we are PoweredByPeople. Let's have a conversation (800) 317-1378 or email us at hrhelp@jbconsultingsystems.com